
General Contribution

For general rule regarding contribution to BiznetGio projects. See BiznetGio Contributing Guide

Running the project locally

Below is the description of each step needed to run the project locally. To try the command directly in order, see our playbook examples in docs/examples.


It’s recommended to use the CockroachDB docker image instead of installing it locally.

  hostname: roach
  image: cockroachdb/cockroach:v19.2.2
  command: start --insecure --listen-addr=roach:26257 --advertise-addr=roach:26257 --http-addr=roach:8090
    - "26257:26257"
    - "8090:8090"
    - ./data/cockroach-data:/cockroach/cockroach-data:z
$ # run the cockroach container above
$ docker-compose up -d
$ # create database. `` is your host IP.
docker run --rm cockroachdb/cockroach:v19.2.2 sql --host= --insecure --execute "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS knotdb;"
$ # create table. get the `schema.sql` in `api/`
$ cat schema.sql | docker run -i --rm cockroachdb/cockroach:v19.2.2 sql --host= --insecure --database=knotdb

This step will give you a running cockroach database, with knotdb as a name and a schema defined in schema.sql.


Clone the project

Go to the API directory

$ cd api/

# create the virtualenv, then install the dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

After making changes, you can the restknot-api using plain flask run. Or running it via docker.

If you prefer to run without docker, you need to export the environment variables manually. See api/docker-compose.example.yml to learn all available variables.

Using docker, it would be:

$ # build the image
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t restknot-api:0.7.8 --build-arg BUILD_VERSION=$(git log -1 --format=%h) .
$ # run the image
$ docker-compose up -d

Ensure the app is running by checking the /api/health endpoint.


For RESTKnot API to communicate with RESTKnot Agent, they need a broker. We use Kafka for the broker.

See docs/example to run Zookeeper and Kafka. The examples contain configuration to run multiple Kafka with single Zookeeper or multiple Kafka with multiple Zookeeper.

RESTKnot Agent

To build the agent:

$ cd agent/

$ # build the image
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t restknot-agent:0.7.8 --build-arg BUILD_VERSION=$(git log -1 --format=%h) .
$ # run the image
$ docker-compose up -d

Set appropriate configurations. Take a look at agent/docker-compose.example.yml.

Basic Workflow

To test that all component works together, or to get an insight into how knot works. See Basic Workflow


To create a release. Run the following steps.

  • Run linting ./scripts/make is_verified. To check if the codebase adheres to the rules.
  • Update the CHANGELOG.
  • Update version numbers using ./scripts/bump_version <old-version> <new-version>.
  • Create a commit with a message format: v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+, and push.
  • Wait for a check to pass, make a release tag from GitHub UI, then copy the appropriate CHANGELOG.