Deployment Steps

Prepare the initial database

We’ve use bootstrap script to initialize database on remote machine, but it’s error prone and hard to maintain. so we come up with this simpler way.

# start the cockroach instance
$ cockroach start --insecure --host=localhost

# create the db
$ cockroach sql --insecure
> create database knotdb;

# create the table
$ cockroach sql --insecure --database=knotdb < schema.sql

Create the initial database on your local side, then update the corresponding playbook tasks to mach your initial database locations.

Prepare application configs

You need servers.yml and knot.conf.

servers.yml contains list of your masters and slaves name, and knot.conf serve as a configuration for you knot app. See more in examples directory.

Prepare the docker-compose

Replace the example value with the real one in the docker-compose.yml Most important things you have to pay attention to:


Get the keys of you machines

  • Put the key of your machine in one directory .e.g ~/ssh-keys/
  • Point the ansible to those keys .e.g
[api] ansible_user=centos ansible_private_key_file="~/ssh-keys/vm-key.pem"

[knot-master] ansible_user=centos ansible_private_key_file="~/ssh-keys/vm-key.pem"

[knot-slave] ansible_user=centos ansible_private_key_file="~/ssh-keys/vm-key.pem"

Play the Playbook

$ ansible-playbook initial-setups.yml -f 10 -v
$ ansible-playbook setup-api.yml -f 10 -v
# for master servers
$ ansible-playbook setup-agent.yml -f 10 -v -e "server_type=master" -e "target_host=foo-master"
# for slave servers
$ ansible-playbook setup-agent.yml -f 10 -v -e "server_type=master" -e "target_host=bar-master"

# to stop the container
$ ansible-playbook stop-containers-api.yml -f 10 -v
$ ansible-playbook stop-containers-agent.yml -f 10 -v -e "target_host=bar-master"

See more in playbook examples directory.